Monday 7 May 2012

Hello from Catalonia

L'Escola Casa Nostra està situada a Banyoles, el costat de l'estany. Nosaltres pensem que es molt bonica. És molt gran i vella i el pati té molts arbres. El pati és més gran que altres patis de altres escoles. Té un menjador, una cuina, un laboratori, una biblioteca i una classe de anglès. 1r, 2n, 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è, també. La classe de música és molt interassant, té un piano, i parets grogues! És molt divertit! Hi ha un lloc per aparcar les bicis.

Casa Nostra school is in Banyoles, next to this lake. We think that it's very beautiful. Its very big and old and the playgruund has many trees. The playground is bigger than other playgrounds in other schools.It has a dining room, kitchen, laboratory, library and a english class. Class 1, class 2, class 3, class 4, class 5 and class 6, too. The music room is very interesting, it has got one piano, and yellow walls! it's very funny! It has a site for bikes too.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Joe!
    Great light in your photo.

    It would be nice to see your text in Catalan as well. Is that possible?
