Tuesday, 24 April 2012

First Task

Dear all!

The first (and only) extra task has to do with our photographic aims and will also introduce you to how the blogger page works.

You have all been invited to contribute to this blog as authors. Seven of you still need to accept my invitation.
As you can see on the right-hand side of the blog I have presented your schools and countries in alphabetical order.

Your task is now to have your pupils take a photo of your school and present it as a blog entry.
As with the Twinspace uploads you might want to consider downsizing your photos before uploading them.

Along with your photo please also write a little text about your school. Ask your pupils what they think is worth mentioning there to present your school. If your kids are older, it might be a good task for them to translate the text in English. Please also let us see your text in your native language. This will add to the presentation of our cultural backgrounds.

If you are totally new to blogging, you can watch this introduction to learn how to send your first post:

When I posted my first blog entries on snapshotofeurope2012.blogspot.com I discovered the option to set a clickable map location for a blog entry. This is a great option for us to see where everyone's school is exactly. Please consider using this option. It's on the right hand side of the editing page for your new blog entry.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

SoE12 - now LIVE

Dear "Snapshot of Europe 2012" team!

We have reached the deadline for the acquisition of new members which means our team is now set and we are ready to roll!
Let's start showing each other what Europe looks like through the eyes of our children!

Please, everyone, say hello to each other!
"Old" members, please identify yourselves as the experienced partners to our new friends so that people know who they can turn to if they need technical support.

Please be sure you are able to access our project Twinspace.
If a problem occurs on your trying to login (as we've already seen with some members) contact me and your NSS immediately.

We are 26 partners altogether.
You are all made teacher admins on our project Twinspace.
Please feel free to add extra pages if you have additional ideas to do with our project aim.

You can also invite your pupils to work on the Twinspace.
If they are older they might enjoy taking care of the photo uploading themselves.

Before uploading your photos you might want to resize them.
Have a look at my blog entry "resize your images before uploading them" if you need help with this.

Looking forward to a grand project collaboration with you all!
Meet you on the Twinspace!
