Friday, 23 March 2012

Time Frame for SoE12

Welcome everybody to the 2012 edition of the Snapshot project!

This is the follow-up project of the successful snapshot rounds that were held in the past two years:

In this third edition the project is run by a new admin team and features several experienced snapshotters plus a bunch of new enthusiastic school teams. So let the fun start again!

Here's the time frame for this year's project round:
  • March, 27th – last day for "old" project members to rejoin
  • April, 22nd – deadline for the acquisition of new project members
  • June, 1st – upload deadline for schools’ four finalist photos to the blogger page
  • June, 7th – deadline for schools’ votes to be sent in
  • June, 8th – official announcement of the winning entries on the blogger page

Looking forward to seeing your kids' photographic work from across Europe!